Web Site Marketing - Audio Vs Video - Size Does Matter

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작성자 Federico 작성일25-03-04 07:16 조회8회 댓글0건


Set up an appointment for the interview. This can be done over the phone or face to face depending on the availability of your interviewee. But I suggest that you push for face to face interview as this can sound more personal and engaging.

specialist audio For the customers they have the advantage that they can listen on the go in the car etc and make good use of otherwise redundant time. Finally they command much higher prices for the same information than ebooks do.

Your teleseminars can be the basis of products with high perceived value and high profit margins. People are conditioned to pay no more than $20 or so for a book. (And you only get $2-15 per book, depending on how you publish.) However, they might pay $200 for the same essential information, packaged differently--say, a home study course. It might consist of several audio CDs (which come from the recorded teleseminars) with a workbook (which you create from the study guides to your teleseminars).

Interview an expert on your chosen niche. If you are targeting parents who have children suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, you can find a specialist who knows more about this condition. Explain to this person why you would like to interview him. To convince him to spare at least one hour of his time, offer your Konsultan audio product that he can freely give away to his potential clients to create awareness about the disorder.

The big rule of thumb here is, if you end up in that situation, don't pass yourself off as someone you aren't. Instead, use the "reporter" or "interviewer" approach in your marketing.

Let me break down the 5 essential ingredients of a squeeze page script. The script is used to welcome and explain to the visitor to the site what to do when they arrive at your squeeze page. This script works best when using either video or audio.

Put your PTSD into perspective. Even if you take all the steps I have outlined, you may find that you continue to have some episodes of nightmares, anger, fear or depression. But as those symptoms ease, you may be ready to move on to the stage in which you accept that this horrible thing happened to you but does not define your life. You have talked it out, let it out and put it in perspective. You are ready to move on.

Now, the definition of a squeeze page: You are literally 'squeezing' their contact information from them before they can access your content. In order for a visitor to enter your website and access the information you have to offer - they need to usually enter in their name and email information. Your content in this case is typically your IFO - or 'Irresistible Free Offer' such as your video, audio (CD or MP3), e-book/e-course, etc. There are no other options on a squeeze page. You either opt-in with your contact information or you click away. That is known as a 'hard' squeeze page. A 'soft' squeeze page will allow the visitor to bypass the squeeze process and enter your website without entering their contact information.


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