The online world has made life easier for us

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작성자 Marylyn 작성일25-03-13 10:59 조회3회 댓글0건


The online world has made life easier for us.

From retrieving quality information to helping a business grow its identity, the online world has been a blessing.

But wait, can we say that it is a blessing or are we experiencing a cyber security dilemma?

Despite the online industry offering answers to numerous queries, how safe is it to depend on it?

Cyber solutions states, ''There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds.''

This means that by the time you finish reading this article, chances are more than 20 accounts would be under the risk of being attacked.

Not only is this matter a crucial one, but it also requires immediate precautions to be made.

This matter is a huge online threat and can affect your business in no time.

One study stated, ''Only 38% of global organizations claim they are prepared to handle a sophisticated cyber-attack.''

The graph of 2018 illustrates the rise of cyber crime

With such a high number, this clearly signifies that if you want your business to be safeguarded you need to start preparing your shields right now.

Cyber security's presence has put things in place, but has it created a confident safety line?

This article will reveal that.

Before we hop into the details, let's first analyze and understand the foundation of this issue.

Let's get started.

What do you mean by Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity ensures that no unauthorized users access the information or data you have in hand. It implies selective measures to prevent this action.

But the reality of 2019 makes it unsuccessful.


Technology is changing. What technology you use today, will not even be considered 5 years from now. This is where the problem starts.

Due to technological changes, many companies fail to implement a tool that can protect and safeguard their data from these wise hackers.

Hackers are skilled in what they do, they use the most basic tools to crack in a companies data only because the other side has failed to strengthen a part of the system.

Cybersecurity is being used by so many departments today in order to avoid cyber security predicament. From the government to high-level business organizations, everyone utilizes this asset to safeguard all the sensitive information they have in hand.

In 2013, the top intelligence officials had stated, '' cyber attacks and digital spying are the top threat to national security, eclipsing even terrorism.''

The numbers have increased as you witnessed at the beginning of this article which brings us to the ultimate question, how can we strengthen our cybersecurity measures to fight against such perpetrators?

The answer lies in proxy servers. The technological market is changing but few companies have managed to create solutions that can help your business today from falling under the dangers of cyberattacks or rather helping your business avoid any cyber security predicaments.

Proxy servers are one among them.

Proxy servers: What are they and how they can help you attack dangerous cyber crime?

In simpler terms, proxy servers are your friend. They ensure that you can access any data without even being caught.

For instance, you want to access some data online. You can use proxy servers who let you access it without any hassle.

What they do is, it showcases your IP address different. So when you access the data the other person managing the data will have no idea about who you are. This is one of the plus points of proxy servers.

Many proxy servers are available in the market today. Let's take an example of Limeproxies.

These are proxy servers that fit in your budget whilst offering quality service. They have a dedicated support team as well as they offer around 25 IP's which you can conveniently use at any time. To mask your IP address, they have an easy refresh option that conducts the masking at a faster rate.

Proxy servers are an ideal charmer today because of the following reasons:

Anonymity- Your identity remains anonymous. No matter which data access you need, your proxy server will ensure that your IP address remains covered at all times.

Switches your IP address- In case you have used one IP address to access data, you can use the same address to access other data making it convenient for you.

Access any sites- With proxy servers, you can access any site you prefer. Even if the sites are blocked, proxy servers can easily get you through it. For instance, if you want to view any data collected by an international company, you can easily do so with a proxy server since it will showcase your IP address as that country.

Better performance- Many proxy servers come with a great number of bandwidth options and internet options. While you conduct your process, proxy servers ensure that nothing puts a hindrance during your online activity.

With proxy servers there comes two options for you to choose. One is a public proxy and the other being Private Proxies Buy. For businesses, the ideal choice would be to go with the latter.

How to increase your cyber security with private proxies in 2019?

Private proxies are a great choice when compared to public proxies.

Private proxies are more reliable and will last longer since they are being utilized by one business. Due to this advantage the speed of the proxy remains great as well as the privacy it delivers is maintained.

This is the sole reason why this proxy will be the apt choice for your business to remain risk-free from cyber attacks.

How can it help your business?

Secures confidential data

With a private proxy you need not worry about how you can manage your data. Since private proxies are high in terms of safety and security, your data is secured with the highest standard. Ensure that you invest in a good proxy server whose main agenda lies in the way to protect your information. When you have a tough server that safeguards your activities being conducted online, you give a hard time for hackers to attempt their suspicious act.

Keeps a closer check on customer communication

For a business, the customer communication is essential to growing a brand on the higher skies of success. But at times employees tend to be distracted and start surfing the internet which gets them carried away from the work they have to do. With proxy servers, you can select the sites you want to block as well as monitor the time they take to view any online pages. This is essential to increase productivity as well as align all your employee's time towards the right path.

Manage & Organize your social accounts

Many businesses today surround themselves with the social world. If your business is one of them, private proxies can be your guardian. Ideally, when you promote a brand, you are restricted to using only a certain number of accounts. In case you use one account for your numerous online activities, you will get blocked So how can you promote your brand to a larger audience? Using one account will not help hence you need to use more. With private proxies, this can happen. You can create several accounts with your identity is hidden and continue to grow your brand without any fear of being spotted.

Grasp competitors data without being detected

If you want your business to grow well, you need to continue performing better than your competitors. Your competitors will hide their true strategy, but their patterns can be accessed by you. With private proxies, you can easily hide your IP address where the proxy server will route it in a different direction. Once all is clear, your access becomes clearer.

Making use of SEO tools the right way

Finding the right keywords which will grab your client's attention is difficult to manage. Hence the use of an automated bot can make your manual work be done much easier. When you blend automated bots with a private proxy server, the appearance showcases it as a human. This prevents the chances of the bots to banned.

What do you think?

Cyber attacks will continue to increase as and when the technology grows.

You can't eliminate this issue because hackers find it easy with the new technology to enter in and grab your data.

The only way you can prevent this from happening is to make wiser decisions just like we mentioned above. Investing in a secure and reliable prox y can reduce your fears of data being lost as well as lower your risk of experiencing a cyber security dilemma.

A study states, ''95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error'' which means that you too need to take a closer check on your data storage activities.

Conduct regular checkups of your data activities, store your information via a secured platform, limit the usage of authorized users, invest in a good tool such as proxy servers who make your work easier.

In case you save any data online, ensure that it is always sealed with a strong password that cannot be cracked. Conduct regular checkups of your online activities and in case you find any suspicions, take immediate actions to avoid any damage.

The article above is curated so that businesses like yours can be safeguarded from such attacks. We may not be able to prevent them, but we can learn how to protect our data.

A Complete gamer and a Tech Geek. Brings out all her thoughts and love in writing blogs on IOT, software, technology etc Website: website Startups Can Increase Cyber Security With Private Proxies in 2019?


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